
Since summer 2016

A little more about PUDJEEB

PUDJEEB is a digital space for me, PJ Buddhari, to document and share visual stories of things that feed my soul and inspire me at different moments in time, including but not limited to striking landscapes, aesthetic corners, food, family and the ever-so-many places I call “home”.

I moved from Bangkok, Thailand to the US in 2010 for my architecture degree. After 7 years of learning and working in the Boston area, I moved across the country to San Francisco, CA in 2017 to join Adobe.

What’s in a name?

The name Pudjeeb (pronounced: pood-jeeb) came from my alternate Thai name, which is given to most Thai people at birth, also known to Thai people as a nickname (but it’s official). My full name is Pavika Buddhari and because Pudjeeb was too long for my loving-but-lazy friends to type, I became more known as just 'PJ' for short. The word Pudjeeb itself is a name of this beautiful white flower. Because this name is such an important identity for me - it's quite unique even for Thais - I decided to put forth Pudjeeb as the brand for my stories.

To view my design work, please visit pudjeeb.com


You may contact me about general inquiries, collaboration ideas, or to simply say hi at this email. Also, feel free to use Instagram or Twitter for lighter chatter.

Follow more of me on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook